Journal Manuscript Editing Service
For students who are pursuing their Masters or PhD, one of the factors which indicate their knowledge and credibility is the number of technical papers they have published in journals. High quality journal papers not just ensure better job opportunities, they also help researchers in getting recognition for the work that they do at the PhD level.
The scholars have the option of publishing some part of their thesis as a paper or article in academic journals. If they do so, they should ensure that their journal paper is addressing the research idea in totality. Once the article is accepted by the review committee of the journal it could imply that the research undertaken is in the right direction and is likely to attain success. However, for getting acceptance, the language and the format will need to be modified considerably, since the standards for academic reports differ substantially from those prescribed by journal publishers. Our journal paper editing service ensures that the language, structure and presentation of the paper are as per the norms laid down by the journals of repute.
Before writing the paper you need to decide in which journal you want to publish the paper. Research about the journals of your subject of interest should be done to find out their expected style of writing, formatting and submission guidelines. The same should be communicated to the editorial team when you are assigning a task for journal paper editing. In case the paper is not accepted by the targeted journal in the first attempt, we take up revision and do changes as per the feedback received from the journal review team. For journals which require a manuscript editing certificate, we issue the same.
The target audience of every journal is well defined. Hence, we ensure that the content, presentation and language are as per the tastes and preferences of the target audience. Send us your paper today and get reliable guidance on how to get your paper published in an impact factor journal.